Startup Internship Program 

An R&D based industrial training program designed for post high school graduates to help them build a future proof career path in a 1 to 4 year period.


Program Features


Skill faculties and domains of expertise 

The program helps build the whole range of skills from startup to scale up an enterprise including skills to co-create users communities, solutions or products and enterprise ecosystems. 

A high level outline of in-scope faculties or domains of expertise is as follows:

You'll be assigned only those tasks that interest you out of the work postings from various projects.

Modus Operandi



General Overview

When work postings are shared with Research and Development Assistants (RDAs), they agree with specific terms and conditions, such as stipends, stocks options, payment terms, the number of workshops required, project deadlines, billing procedures and how any net surplus after workshop costs will be shared among team members. There is a standard Co-creators Contract designed to provide market based terms to make it work for all parties. Terms offered by BBs are supposed to be inline with them unless there is a good reason for a deviation like local laws, special requirements etc. The stipend budgets are supposed to be large enough to deliver a net surplus after workshop costs. RDAs can choose to ignore any BBs that offer unfair terms. It's important to note that the terms included in the BBs once accepted by the parties shall be final and binding, overriding any other agreement or understanding.


Once added to delivery teams of respective BBs, RDAs earn Equity Credits [ECs] as stipends for Building Blocks [BBs] they deliver. ECs are paid in cash on delivery or as soon as the domain expert bills are settled by respective projects. Projects are usually entitled to a 90 days credit (backed by stock options) as per the standard Co-creators Contract.


As part of their respective delivery teams, RDAs work in collaboration with PMO members and domain experts in (online) workshops to develop Building Blocks. The PMO is responsible for running the workshops, which typically cost a couple of dollars per two-hour session. RDAs are required to pay the workshop fees upfront when scheduling the necessary number of workshops to deliver the BB. If an RDA fails to attend a scheduled workshop, the fee is forfeited.


In response to a work posting, a domain expert approves an RDA's offer to deliver the BB in 5 days in 20 workshops of two hours each against Equity Credits (or stipend) in cash @ $4 per workshop payable in 90 days. Any overdue amount is secured by stock options at 40% equity out of the amount billed as per the standard Co-creators Contract.

PMO charges $2 per workshop payable in advance. 

In the above example, the net surplus for the RDA will be ($4 x 20 workshops = $80) - ($2 x 20 workshops = $40) =  $40.